How to cancel your place on tour
To make a cancellation please follow the steps below:
- Email to and include
- Name of Traveler
- Tour Code
- Your request to cancel your place on tour
- Lingo Tours will email you with an updated balance and what non-refundable amount applying for your tour
- Once you confirm your cancellation you refund will be on its way, normally within 2 weeks. In your confirmation please provide details for a bank check refund. The email of the recipient has to correspond with the travel account email (or guardian email).
- Full name:
- Full address incl zip code:
- Phone/mobile:
- Email:
Once your refund and cancellation is processed you will receive a credit note confirming your refund. To double check your tour payments you can log in to your personal Lingo Tours online account.
Refund to Credit Card
If your tour fee is paid for with credit card we can process your refund to the same card in installments matching the payment amounts.
If you have paid with different cards and/or with many smaller amounts it is more convenient to send you a check as we can only credit cards with the same amounts as each tour payment amount, i.e. many small refunds, which is not convenient.
To have a swift process when cancelling your tour, please always:
1. Include traveler name and tour code when informing about your cancellation
2. Provide bank check recipient details (above)
For detailed T&C on your refund and cancellation policy, please see the section on cancellations here.